LTAC: Energize. Educate. Evolve.

The Land Title Association of Colorado is a non-profit trade organization designed to promote and advance title insurance issues in Colorado. We were incorporated in 1963, but our organization history dates back to 1906, when a concerned group of title professionals joined together to ensure competency and thoroughness in Colorado title work. Their legacy lives on today in LTAC. Our members, businesses or individuals, come together to protect Colorado real estate transactions. Real estate buyers, sellers, financers and developers all benefit from the quality title work fostered by LTAC and its members.

Our organization provides education to its members, outreach to the consumer community, and insight to legislators and regulators about the title insurance industry. We are proud of our history, engaged in the present, and challenged by our future.

2024 Legislative Reception

Join us for a Fun Evening with Legislators and Title Pros!  Join us for a lively evening of mingling with legislators and other title professionals!  It's good company, refreshing drinks, tasty snacks and a friendly game of cornhole.  It's an election year, and more crucial than ever to tell our story.   1.5 Designation Hours.  The details are:

Date: October 8, 2024
Location: The Hangar, 7600 E 1st Place, Denver, CO 80230
Time: 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Members Only   Cost: $50.00
Register Here


PAC Donations Made Easy

LTAC's strong legislative participation with the Colorado General Assembly and executive branch agencies are only enhanced through robust political giving.    We thank you for all your contributions to our PAC and engagement in the political process.

Be a PAC ROCK STAR and Contribute!

Your donation helps to keep LTAC's voice strong.

Donate here!


Out of Bounds Series:  Colorado Water Basics

October 7, 2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM  

This webinar presentation will give an overview of Colorado water history, the administration of water in Colorado, and water ownership and rights.  A few topics and questions which will be explored: * The fascinating development of Colorado water.

  • If I need water, why can’t I just take it?
  • I have a well, but I was told I can’t irrigate my zucchini !  What’s up with that?
  • I have a share of water what’s it worth?
  • The difference between a mutual ditch company and an irrigation district.
  • What’s a well augmentation plan and why should I care?

.... and other fun water facts that you’ve always wanted to know but have been afraid to ask.
 Member fee:  $30.00  Non-member fee: $50.00.  

Register  Here